Herbal tea
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The 5 most popular herbal teas. The best way to try and find your favorite tea
Come and begin a journey through your body and bring it with spirit and soul into harmony. Let the effect…

The typical chamomile character of this infusion is particularly intense.
Organic herbal tea blend. Infusion time 5-6 Min. Gram for 1 litre 8-10 g Temperature in Celsius 100

Feng Shui(Welness)
According to Feng Shui, the elements are represented by the colours green, red yellow, silver and blue as well as…
Who are the companions of the aronia berry, which is becoming more and more popular? Strong and spicy ginger, sweet…

Good Night herb blend
It really is a purely relaxing pleasure that makes you forget about all the bad things in the world. Ingredients:…
Hibiscus blossoms contain citric acid,t has refreshing effect during hot days, also hibiscus tea restore blood pressure and counteracts the…

Light & Inspired
Herb tea blend no added flavouring

NANA Mint /Morocco
The name spearmint derives probably from its specific mint taste, with no menthol nuances. Moroccan NANA Mint is a traditional…
This sense of wellbeing forms the basis of our newest tea creation!
The rose hip is dried in wood-burning stoves, it is especially suitable as a single fruit for a delicious and…