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Milk Pitcher Belogia 750 ml
Milk Pitcher BelogiaThick  Black Inox 450 ml
Milk Pitcher BelogiaThick  Black Inox 750 ml
Milk Pitcher Belogia 350 ml
Milk Pitcher Belogia 590 ml
Milk Pitcher Belogia with integrated thermometer 600 ml
Rolled green Jade Oolong tea from China-Fujian, light-green infusion with a delicate milky touch.
A version to reach everyone. 70% cocoa Mini dark chocolate. Pure cocoa butter 2.5g.
Proffecionlal mixer for cold drinks.
Glass tea maker 0.5L with micro filter.
Mug Jarl (stripes)
 The name spearmint derives probably from its specific mint taste, with no menthol nuances. Moroccan NANA Mint is a traditional…
Electrical Coffee Maker
Nicaraguan coffee has spicy and almost creamy taste.
The bright cooper-coloured cup offers us a strong and spicy aroma with a touch of malt.
Acacia honey is perfect for sweetening herbal teas and infusions, fruit, yogurt or milk.
Acacia honey is perfect for sweetening herbal teas and infusions, fruit, yoghurt or milk.
Alce Nero organic orange blossom honey features a distinctive light color, fruity aroma and citrus flavor.
Its aroma is intense, while the flavor it offers is sweet and lingering.
Mixer Artemis

Mixer Artemis

Mug “Jarl”

Mug “Jarl”


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